
2010年7月11日 星期日

Quiz for Z4

◎  I want ______ goodbye to your parents.
○  我想向你的父母道別。
      to say

◎  I ______ that book on my desk yesterday.
○  昨天我把那本書放在我的桌子上了。

◎  I have a lot of ______ to do today.
○  今天我有很多作業要做。
      the homeworks
      the homework

◎  We have a big party ______ New Year's Day.
○  我們新年有個盛大聚會。

◎  Playing computer games ______.
○  玩電腦遊戲很刺激。
      is exciting
      are exciting
      is excited
      are excited

◎  ______ have to go to school today?
○  他今天必須上學嗎?
      Do he
      Does he
      He does
      He do

◎  The work ______ by you.
○  工作不是你們完成的。
      was not be finished
      not was finished
      was not finished
      was not being finished

◎  To look at those children ______ me happy.
○  看著那些孩子使我高興。
      are making

◎  He is seldom late for school, ______?
○  他上學很少遲到,是嗎?
      he isn't
      isn't he
      he is
      is he

◎  You have done nothing today, ______?
○  你今天什麼活都沒做,是嗎?
      don't you
      haven't you
      have you
      do you

◎  Everyone must finish ______ homework today.
○  今天每個人必須完成作業。

◎  ______ size of skirt do you wear?
○  你穿多大號的裙子?

◎  I am used to ______ up early.
○  我習慣於早起。

from: 初級~21

