
2010年3月14日 星期日

KIA U4-Taste


We use our tongue for our sense of taste. We usually use it to taste food. We can taste sweet foods like candy and biter things like medicine. We can taste sour things like lemons and salty things like potato chips. Different parts of our tongue can taste different things.

If we look at the picture, we can see where we taste different kinds of food.

When we eat food, we are really using two senses at the same time. The nerves in our tongue can tell us a lot of about what the food tastes like, but we will need another sense to tell us more about the food. Can you guess what it is?
Fun Facts
Touch your tongue. Can you feel many little bumps? These bumps are called taste buds. Taste buds have very small hairs that ate connected to nerves that tell your brain what food tastes like.
Young people have around 10,000 taste buds. You get now ones every few weeks, because some of the old ones die.  

When you are older, you get fewer new taste buds when the old ones die, so things sometimes start to taste different. Food that you do not like may be your favorite when you get older


Did you know.... .

That cats can not taste sweet things.

That flies taste with their paws.

That snakes smell with their tongue.

That scientist do not believe in the 'tongue map' .

They say that you can taste sweet, sour, bitter or salt at any place on the tongue.


A Vocabulary:
1.bump--a part of a flat surface that is not even, but raised above the rest of it
2. bud--a small lump that grows on a plant and from which a flower, leaf or stem develops  
3. taste bud --one of the small cells on the tongue that allow you to recognize the flavours of food and drink


