
2010年3月31日 星期三


2010年3月18日 星期四

A Birthday Party

Last year, my parents held a special birthday party for me. They pretended that they didn’t remember my birthday, and told me they would not be home that evening. I got back from work at eight. As I pushed the door open and turned on the light, I saw my parents and friends all standing in front of a big birthday cake and singing “Happy Birthday” to me. It was the most special birthday in my life.


1. 感官動詞VR /Ving
I saw my parents and friends all standing in front of a big birthday cake and singing “Happy Birthday” to me.

2. get back from work

3. in one's life

4. push the door open
turn on the light

2010年3月14日 星期日

KIA U4-Taste


We use our tongue for our sense of taste. We usually use it to taste food. We can taste sweet foods like candy and biter things like medicine. We can taste sour things like lemons and salty things like potato chips. Different parts of our tongue can taste different things.

If we look at the picture, we can see where we taste different kinds of food.

When we eat food, we are really using two senses at the same time. The nerves in our tongue can tell us a lot of about what the food tastes like, but we will need another sense to tell us more about the food. Can you guess what it is?
Fun Facts
Touch your tongue. Can you feel many little bumps? These bumps are called taste buds. Taste buds have very small hairs that ate connected to nerves that tell your brain what food tastes like.
Young people have around 10,000 taste buds. You get now ones every few weeks, because some of the old ones die.  

When you are older, you get fewer new taste buds when the old ones die, so things sometimes start to taste different. Food that you do not like may be your favorite when you get older


Did you know.... .

That cats can not taste sweet things.

That flies taste with their paws.

That snakes smell with their tongue.

That scientist do not believe in the 'tongue map' .

They say that you can taste sweet, sour, bitter or salt at any place on the tongue.


A Vocabulary:
1.bump--a part of a flat surface that is not even, but raised above the rest of it
2. bud--a small lump that grows on a plant and from which a flower, leaf or stem develops  
3. taste bud --one of the small cells on the tongue that allow you to recognize the flavours of food and drink


KIA U4-Touch

“We had a cool class today. We learn about our sense of touch, and we felt a lot of different things. It was a game. We had to guess what we had in our hands. We felt hard things, like a bat, and soft things, like a pillow. There was a hot candle and some cold ice cubes.

Those were easy. The hard ones were the rough piece of sandpaper, the smooth glass bottle, and the slippery oil from the chicken. There was some sticky glue and a rough basketball, but the worst was the pointy pencil—that hurt!

We also learned that our skin has millions of nerves. We use them all to feel things we touch and to feel things around us like the sun and the wind. Our body is covered with skin, so we use our sense of touch from our fingers all the way to our toes.”

A. vocabulary

1. slippery--difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or polished
2. rough--having a surface that is not even or regular
3. sticky--made of or covered in a substance that sticks to things that touch it
     have sticky fingers --to be likely to steal something
4. pointy--with a point at one end
5. nerves--any of the long thin threads that carry messages between the brain and parts of the body, enabling you to move, feel pain, etc

B. Q&A

1. How does a candel feel?
2. How does a sandpaper feel?
3. Is a glass borttle smooth or rough?
4. Is the glue slippery or stckly?
5. What has millions of nerves?
6. How do we feel things around us?
7. Is your bory covered with skin?

1. Talk about the sense of touch
2. How does ... feel? (cotton, sandpaper, glue, oil , ice cubes, glass bottle...)
3. How do we feel those things?
4. Why can our skin feel those things?
5. What might be happened if your sense of touch is not working?


F6 Grammar Quiz (LG2)

F6 Quiz-LG2 U4

Verbs and  be verbs are the "heart" of the sentences.
There is only one "heart" in one sentence.

A. Circle the "heart" of the sentences: 

1. Tracy is a teacher.

2. Tracy wants some ice cream.

3. She can do a magic trick?

4.  He makes breakfast every day.

5. You are my friends.

B. Correct the mistakes:

6. __________  I am like orange.

7. __________ Peter walk the dog every day.

8. __________ Do he jump in the mornng?

C. Dictation :

9. ___________________________________

10. __________________________________

2010年3月7日 星期日

Z4 Quiz 0308

A. fill in the blanks :
1. _________ you ever been to London?
2. What ______ she do last night?
3. I enjoy ___________(read) this novel a lot.
4. Do you want to _________(go) fishing with me this weekend?
5. My sister saw a girl ________(jump) from a tree last Saturday.

B. Change the sentences:

6. The jacket cost me  300 dollars.
   I spent____________________________________
7. We are going to go on a picnic tomorrow evening.

   Are you __________________________________

8. My mother let me clean my room.
   I ________________________________________

9. Peter should have to send the mail. He forgot to do it.
   Peter forgot_______________________________

10. Tina is watching TV now.
    ________________________________  every day

KIA-U4 The Senses

our eyes

eye diagram

The Human Eye

PRK Laser Eye Surgery

How the ear works

Months (LG2p37)

A. Answer the questions:
1. What month is it?
2. What month is before March?
3. What month is after May?
4. When is your summer vocation?
5. When is your winter vocation?
6. Is your birthday in September?
7. What is your favorite month? Why?
8. What can you do in October?

B. I can read
1. I can make a snowman in January.
2. It is cold in February.
3. I can fly a kite in March.
4. There are many flowers in April.
5. We go hiking in May.
6. My sister goes camping in June.
7. I go to the beach with my family in July.
8. I go swimming in August.
9. We go to school in September.
10. Halloween is in October.
11. It si cool in November.
12. Christmas is in December.

F6 Quiz-LG2 U4

A. Fill in the blanks with (Do, Does, doesn't, don't)
1.  ______ you want some grapes?
2.  ______ he like omelets?
3.  She _______make breakfast every day.
4.  Jacky and Linda _______ go swimming every weekend.
5.  ______ Mary eat dinner with Tracy every night?

B. Correct the mistakes:
6. __________ She not play Ping-Pong.
7. __________ My sister do a cartwheel at park.
8. __________ Does she has a cell phone on her hand?

C. Dictation :
9. ___________________________________

10. __________________________________

2010年3月4日 星期四

Quiz for Z4 (tenses)

Mary  / write a letter

1. ________________every day. (present)
2.________________ now. (present continue)
3.________________ for two hours. (present perfect)
4.________________yesterday. (past)
5.________________ when he called yesterday. (past continue)
6.________________ before I went home. (past perfect)
7.________________tomorrow. (future)
8.________________at 5:00 tomorrow. (future continue)