
2009年12月20日 星期日




I. 直述句改問句

1. The class begins at nine thirty. → What time ______________________________?

2. Yes, we invited them over for dinner. →改原問句____________________________?

3. Nancy went to the library last night. → Where ____________________________?

4. All of the students will come and help. → Who ____________________________?

5. Mary stayed home alone. 問原因→ Why ________________________________?

6. Nothing has gone wrong. → What ___________________________________?

7. There were three hundred people in that airplane. → How many ___________________________________________?

8. They got here by bus. How _______________________________________?

9. It took her about ten minutes to walk here. → How long __________________________________________?

10. Alice got a CD from her classmate. → What_______________________________?

II. 直接問句改間接問句

A. 直接問句放在祈使句後面形成間接問句:間接問句改成肯定句型式句尾用句點。Yes / no 問句改為間接問句,要加上連接詞if或 whether

1. What is your name? → Please tell me ________________________________.

2. Why was he upset? → Ask him __________________________________.

3. Do you like that movie? → Tell me _______________________________.

4. How did you make this pie? → Show me _____________________________.

B. 直接問句放在另一句子後面形成間接問句:間接問具改成肯定句型式,句尾標點符號由主要子句決定。Yes / no 問句改為間接問句,要加上連接詞if或 whether

1. Who is that girl? → I don’t know __________________________________.

2. What is her favorite food? → Do you happen to know ______________________?

3. Should I give him some advice? I wonder _________________________________?

4. How did she feel about it? Let’s ask her ___________________________________.

III. 直接敘述改間接敘述 直接: He said, “I have to go.” 間接: he said that he had to go.


A. 間接敘述的人稱、所有格、時態都必須配合主要子句調整

Jane said, “ I will call you tomorrow.” → Jane said (that) she would call me the next day.

B. 祈使句改成間接敘述時,要用不定詞片語

Mom told me “finish your meal.” → Mom told me to finish my meal.

1. She said, “ I lost my purse on the bus yesterday. → She said ____________________.

2. “It is raining cats and dogs now,” she said. → She said ________________________.

3. The man told me, “ I can’t fix your car,” → The man told me ____________________.

4. They said to us, “You have to help us.” They told us ___________________________.

5. “I have been fired,” Dan told his wife. Dan told his wife ________________________.

IV. 用It 當虛主詞

A. To+V (或 Ving) + BE+形容詞(或名詞)→ It +BE+形容詞(或名詞)+ to+V

To communicate with him is very difficult. → It is very difficult to communicate with him.

Ask him for help would be a waste of time. → It would be a waste of time to ask him for help.

B. To+V+動詞+受詞 → It+動詞+受詞+to+V

To buy both watches will cost me too much money. → It will cost me too much money to buy both watches.

C. 名詞子句(或名詞片語) + BE +形容詞(或名詞)→ It BE +形容詞或名詞+ 名詞子句(或名詞片語)

That you tell me the whole truth is important. → It is important that you tell me the whole truth.

Where to stay for the night is unknown. → It is known where to stay for the night.

D. 名詞子句 + 動詞+受詞→ It +動詞+受詞+ 名詞子句

That he got married surprised everyone. → It surprised everyone that he got married.

1. To help the poor is right. It ________________________________________.

2. What you can offer interests me. It __________________________________.

3. It is a great honor winning the Nobel Prize.(用動名詞當主詞) →____________________________________________________.

4. That the world is round is a well-known fact. → It ___________________________________________________.

5. To continue the experiment is important. → It ____________________________.

V. 後面接不定詞或動名詞的一般動詞

A. 後面接不定詞的一般動詞:agree, appear, decide, expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, mean, need, offer, promise, plan, prepare, pretend, refuse, seem, want, can’t wait…

B. 後面接受詞再接不定詞的一般動詞:advise, allow, ask, encourage, expect, force, invite, need, order, pay, promise, remind, teach, tell, want, earn…

C. 後面接動名詞的一般動詞:admit, avoid, can’t help, consider, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, fell like, finish, give up, imagine, keep, mine, miss, postpone, practice, prevent, quit, regret, resist, suggest…

D. 後面接不定詞或動名詞的一般動詞:begin, can’t stand, continue, forget, hate, like, love, prefer, remember, start, stop, try…

注意:forget, remember, stop後面接不定詞和動名詞時意義不同

1. Harry: Do you want to share a cab with me? Don: Sure.

→ Don agreed _________________________________________________.

2. Lisa: I hate to wait in a long line. I just can’t stand it.

→ Lisa can’t stand ____________________________________________.

3. 合併句子 Lisa expected something. Her friends would back her up.


4. 合併句子Ann regretted something. She sold her mother’s china.

→ ________________________________________________

5. 合併句子Can you imagine something? Henry passes the exam.

→ _________________________________________________________.

6. 合併句子I missed something. I lived in the country.

→ __________________________________________________________

VI. 形容詞和副詞的比較用法

A. 形容詞、副詞的比較級

同等程度比較: A as+原級+as B

較多: A 比較級+than B

較少: A not so / as + 原級+ as B 或 A less+原級+than B

B: 形容詞、副詞的最高級 the +最高級

C. 形容詞比較的其他句型

(1)A +the same as +B (A和B一樣)

(2)A +different form +B (A和B不同)

(3)A+比較級+and 比較級 (A越來越…)

(4)The +比較級+A, the 比較級+B (A越…B就越…)

1. Both Joe and I are 135 pounds. (用as…as) → ______________________________.

2. This Question is easier than that one.

(用not so …as) → ____________________________________________.

(用less) → __________________________________________________.

3. No other player in the team is taller than Ben. (用最高級)____________________________________

4. Your cell phone is not the same as mine. (用different from) ______________________________________________.

5. When the food is good, a restaurant gets very popular. __________________________________________________.

VII. 改變時態

1. Mom made a chocolate cake last night. (改成現在進行式) _________________________________________________

2. The little girl was home alone all day long yesterday. (用always改寫) _____________________________________________

3. How did she get to the airport? → _________________________ tomorrow?

4. Will you pick up Sue at the train station tonight? → __________________________________________ last night?

5. I will have finished my report by the time you get here tomorrow. (改成過去完成進行式) → ______________________________________________ yesterday.

6. Cathy usually walks to work. → ________________________________ this morning.

7. We will get married in June. ____________________________ eight years ago.

8. He sold a lot of expensive cars to the rich last year. (改成現在完成進行式)

__________________________________________________this season.

9. Jenny drank two cups of black coffee this morning. →___________________________________________ every morning.

VIII. 主動改被動

1. May drew the picture. (改被動) →________________________________.

2. Does Sue do the dished every night? (改被動) →___________________________?

3. The landlord will fix the roof. (改被動) →_________________________________.

4. Will someone correct the mistakes? (改被動) →_____________________________?

5. The robbers have robbed him twice by then. (改被動) →___________________________________.

6. I will have finished the job by the end of this month. (改被動) → ______________________________________________________.

7. He was brought up by his grandparents. (改主動) → ______________________________________________.

8. The lesson has been explained by Mr. Green. (改主動) →_________________________________________.

9. The books will be returned by Sally on Friday. (改主動) →___________________________________________.

10. They will put off the wedding if it rains. (改被動) →______________________________________________.

IX. 附加結尾:為了必面重複前面的一般動詞,常用and so, either, neither, too等等形成附加句尾,動詞型態(種類、時態)要和前面的子句一致

A. 肯定句:

(1) S1+BE (或一般動詞)…, and so +BE (或助動詞) +S2

(2) S1+BE(或一般動詞)…, and +S2 +BE (或助動詞), too

B. 否定句

(1) S1+BE not (或助動詞+not+一般動詞)…, and neither +BE (或助動詞) +S2

(2) S1+BE not (或助動詞+not+一般動詞)…, and +S2 +BE not (或助動詞 not ), either

(3) S1+BE not (或助動詞+not+一般動詞)…, and neither +BE (或助動詞) +S2


1. Both my mother and I enjoy cooking. → My mother enjoy cooking, _______________.

2. Both Daisy and I were there. → Daisy was there, ________________.

3. Both Ron and I used to live in that apartment. → Ron used to live in that apartment,___________________________.

4. Both Lin and I have read “Harry Potter” several times. → I have read “Harry Potter” several times, ______________________________.

5. Neither Nancy nor I can hear what the teacher is saying. → Nancy can’t hear what the teacher is saying, _______________________.

6. Neither Ken nor Willy likes hamburgers. → Ken doesn’t not like hamburgers, _______________________________.

