
2009年12月20日 星期日





Teaching Resources and Activities







看清楚了嗎? 全民英檢初級測驗包括初試(包括聽力閱讀及寫作三部份)及複試(口說測驗)二階段;您必須先通過初試才能報考複試。





▪ 那麼寫作測驗又有哪些類型?

▪ 評分標準為何?

▪ 最重要的是…該如何準備?

▪ 注意看囉!



▪ 基本句型

▪ 時態

▪ 連接詞應用

▪ 句子改寫

▪ 句子合併

▪ 重組

▪ 段落寫作







You make much noise.You are noisy.


Who is noisy?Am I noisy?


Please keep quiet!Don’t make noises!


How noisy you are!What a noisy person you are!


S. + V.

S. + V. + C.

S. + V. + O.

S. + V. + IO. + DO.

S. + V. + O. + OC.

S. + V.

▪ 所有英文句都必須有主詞(S.)及動詞(V.)

▪ 只有不及物動詞(Intransitive Verb=Vi)例如 be, sleep, run, fly, become,…等不需受詞的動詞適用此句型.

▪ I sleep.

▪ He runs.

▪ Birds fly.

S. + V. + C.

▪ She is great. (形容詞當主詞補語)

▪ It sounds good. (形容詞當主詞補語)

▪ He becomes a teenager. (名詞當主詞補語)

S. + V. + O.

▪ 只有及物動詞(Transitive Verb=Vt)例如 : know, find, give, elect, see,…等需要受詞的動詞適用此句型.

▪ I know a girl. (名詞當受詞)

▪ I know her (代名詞當受詞)

▪ I know who she is. (子句當受詞)

▪ I know whom to ask. (片語當受詞)

S. + V. + IO. + DO.

▪ I give her(間接受詞;IO.) flowers (直接受詞; DO. ) .

▪ ☆通常人為間接受詞﹐物為直接受詞。物在前時需要接介系詞。

▪ I give flowers (直接受詞; DO. ) to her (間接受詞;IO.) .

▪ I buy a book (DO.) for him (IO.).

S. + V. + O. + C.

I find her attractive.(形容詞當受詞補語)我發現她很吸引人

We elect him President. (名詞當受詞補語)我們選他當總統

I see her smiling. (動名詞當受詞補語)


▪ Yes-No Questions:必須以Yes或No回答的問句


→Do you have a dictionary?

Yes, I do.

○ Be動詞﹢主詞﹢補語?

→ Are you a college student?

No, I’m not.

▪ Wh- Questions:由疑問詞開頭的問句:不需以 Yes或 No回答


1. (who): Who are you?I am your teacher.

2. (where): Where are you?I am at school.

3. (when): When did you see him?I saw him last week.

4. (why): Why are you late?I had a car accident this morning.

5. (what): What is your name?My name is David Wang.

6. (how+adj.): How old are you?I am twenty-one years old.

7. (how+adv.): How fast can you run?I can run one hundred meters in ten seconds.

8. (how many): How many students are there in your class?There are fifty.

9. (how much): How much is your cell phone?It cost me ten thousand dollars.

10. (which + n.): Which singer do you like the most?My favorite singer is Billy Joel.

11. (whose + n.): Whose bag is this?It’s mine.


▪ 主詞通常是You,且被省略;必須用原型動詞:

▪ Stand up!

▪ Please sit down.

▪ Don’t sleep in class!

▪ May you be happy!

▪ 對一三人稱在句首加Let而且要變成受詞:

▪ Let’s (Let us) go!

▪ Let her leave!


▪ 表達強烈感情,通常以How或What開頭:

▪ How + adj. 或 adv.

→How beautiful the flower is!

How fast he runs!

▪ What + n.其後的代名詞與動詞可省略

▪ What a beautiful flower (it is)!

 What a fast runner (he is)!



動詞時態種類3*4 =12

▪ 時間:

▪ Past過去

▪ Present現在

▪ Future未來

▪ 型態:

▪ 簡單:S+V

▪ 進行:S+Be+Ving

▪ 完成: S+have+p.p.

▪ 完成進行: S+have+been+Ving

Present simple

▪ Present simple → routine, truth, fact

▪ He/She/It+Vs →o,s,z,sh,ch+es,cry//stay

▪ Every+ time (day, week, month…), frequency adv. (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never…)

▪ I drive to school.

▪ Jenny usually washes her hair in the morning.

▪ The little baby cries everyday.

▪ George never pays his bills on time.

Present continuous

▪ Present continuous →What’s going on now

▪ I am/you are/he is + ving →hide, sit, study, say

▪ Now, right now, today, at the moment

▪ I’m hiding my test paper.

▪ She is sitting next to me.

▪ We are studying for the exam.

▪ What are you saying?

Past Simple

▪ What happened before now

▪ played, smiled, studied, stopped

▪ Last + time, yesterday, (time) + ago, this morning

▪ I stayed at home and studied yesterday.

▪ She stopped by his house and smiled at him two days ago.

▪ I didn’t see her last week, I saw her last year.

Past continuous

▪ Past continuous → in the middle of past time

▪ Action 1: past continuous; Action 2: past simple

▪ He was eating lunch (Act. 1) when she called(Act.2).

▪ While I was riding to school, it suddenly rained.

Present perfect

▪ Present perfect→1.experience 2.just 3.still

▪ He/She/It +has + pp →regular verb+ed

▪ 1.ever/never 2.just,yet,already 3.for vs. since

▪ She has read the novel three times.

▪ You have learned English for five years / since five years ago/you were twelve.

▪ I have just finished my homework.

▪ I haven’t studied for my exam yet.

▪ Have you ever been to Hong Kong?


▪ will : decide now

▪ be going to: decided earlier

▪ Next + time, (time +) later, tomorrow, this afternoon/evening, tonight

▪ It will rain tomorrow.

▪ It’s going to rain later.

▪ You will graduate three years later.

▪ I’m going to take the GEPT next year.

▪ What will you eat tonight?



Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet

▪ The child was sick.He could not go to school.

▪ →The child was sick so he could not go to school.

Hurry up! You will be late.

▪ →Hurry up or you will be late.

I like tea.I like coffee.

▪ →I like tea and coffee.

He is poor.He is happy.

▪ →He is poor but happy.

Subordinating Conjunctions:

what, that, who, which, when,

Mr. White was driving a car.He saw the accident.

▪ → Mr. White saw the accident when he was driving a car.

▪ → When Mr. White was driving a car, he saw the accident. (When 引導的副詞子句在前時須加逗點)

The girl is kissing the boy.The girl is my girlfriend.

▪ →The girl who is kissing the boy is my girlfriend.

I bought a sports car.It is cool and fast.

▪ →I bought a sports car which is cool and fast.

I cannot believe it!She won the first prize.

▪ →I cannot believe that she won the first prize!

He told me something.I didn’t understand it.

▪ →I didn’t understand what he told me.

Subordinating Conjunctions:

since, before, after, if, though, although

I have studied English.I was a junior high school student.

▪ → I have studied English since I was a junior high school student.

You study hard.You will pass the exam.

▪ → If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

▪ → You will pass the exam if you study hard.

She had no money.She determined to go to college.

▪ →Although/Though she had no money, she determined to go to college.

Tom did homework.Then he played the piano. (Before)

▪ →Tom did homework before he played the piano.

All students leave.The concert is over. (After)

▪ →All students leave after the concert is over.

Correlative Conjunctions:

either…or, neither…nor, both…and

▪ Jenny likes to go shopping.Jenny’s sister likes to go shopping, too.(both…and)

▪ → Both Jenny and her sister like to go shopping.

▪ I am not good at sports.My friend is not good at sports. (neither...nor)

▪ → Neither I nor my friend is good at sports.

▪ → Neither my friend nor I am good at sports.

▪ We can listen to music.We can go to movies.(either…or)

▪ → We can either listen to music or go to movies.

Correlative Conjunctions:

not only…but also, too…to, so…that

▪ We went swimming.We had a picnic.(not only…but also)

▪ → We not only went swimming but also had a picnic.

▪ She is kind.Everybody likes her.(so...that)

▪ → She is so kind that everybody likes her.

▪ Johnny is young.He cannot go to school.(too…to)

▪ → Johnny is too young to go to school.




Teaching Resources and Activities


▪ 直述句改疑問句

▪ 直接問句改間接問句

▪ 虛主詞句型

▪ 不定詞或動名詞片語當受詞

▪ 比較級與最高級

▪ 時態轉換

▪ 特定片語


▪ Harry Potter is in England.

▪ →Is Harry Potter in England?

▪ →Where is Harry Potter ?

▪ Harry and Ron are studying in the library.

▪ →Where__________________________

▪ →What___________________________

▪ →Who___________________________


▪ Lisa likes to go shopping on weekend.

▪ →______________________________

▪ →What__________________________

▪ →When__________________________

▪ Students should try to pass the GEPT before they graduate.

▪ →______________________________

▪ →What__________________________

Answer → Question

▪ It was rainy yesterday.

→Was is rainy yesterday?

▪ She likes beautiful poems.

Does she like beautiful poems?

▪ We have learned English for seven years.

→How long have you learned English?

▪ We will be here tomorrow.

When will you be here?

▪ We go mountain climbing every week.

→How often do you go mountain climbing?

▪ My mother gave me this book.

→Who gave you this book?


▪ Where is he from?

▪ →Do you know___________________?

▪ Who did it?

▪ →Tell me________________________.

▪ The students ask their teacher, “Can you speak louder?”

▪ →

Indirect Questions

▪ Why are you late?

→Tell me why you are late.

▪ Where does he live?

Do you know where he lives?

▪ Does she know this word?

Let’s ask her if she knows this word.

▪ My teacher asked me something.

+ I was absent yesterday. (why)

→My teacher asked me why I was absent yesterday.

Quote → Clause

▪ He said, “I will help you.”

→He said that he would help me.

▪ Our teacher told us ”Don’t talk to each other.”(祈使句)

Our teacher told us not to talk to each other.

▪ The students ask their teacher, “Can you speak louder?”

▪ → The students ask their teacher if she can speak louder.

虛主詞It (1)

▪ To pass GEPT is not easy.

→It is not easy to pass GEPT.

▪ To prepare for GEPT took me a long time.

It took me a long time to prepare for GEPT.

▪ Teaching old dogs new tricks is difficult.

It is difficult teaching old dogs new tricks.

虛主詞It (2)

▪ That you come to class on time is important.

→It is important that you come to class on time.

▪ How to get there on time is a problem.

→It is a problem how to get there on time.

▪ It is kind of you to invite me.

→You are kind to invite me.

To V. Ving

▪ can’t wait

▪ appear, seem, pretend

▪ refuse, fail

▪ learn, prepare

▪ agree, offer, promise

▪ need, want, expect, hope

▪ decide, intend, plan, mean

▪ discuss, suggest, consider

▪ admit <>deny

▪ resist, regret

▪ keep, practice, prevent

▪ postpone, delay

▪ imagine, enjoy, feel like, miss, mind, can’t help

▪ give up, quit, finish

Verb + To V. or Ving

▪ begin, start, continue

▪ hate, can’t stand

▪ love, like, prefer

▪ remember, forget, stop, try +

– Ving → 已發生 eg. Stop talking

– To V. → 未發生 eg. Stop to take the test

I remember telling you about the test.

You forgot to prepare for the test.


▪ Comparison between two:

▪ Test A is as difficult as test B.

▪ Test C is easier than test B.

▪ Test A is more difficult than test C.

▪ Test C is not as/so difficult as test A.

▪ Test C is less difficult than test A.

▪ Other usages:

▪ Automobiles are the same as cars.

▪ Boys are different from girls.

▪ The weather is hotter and hotter.

▪ The smaller the Arctic, the hotter the world climate.

Verbal Tenses

▪ Taiwan _____ an island.

▪ She _______ to school everyday.

▪ He ___________ lunch now.

▪ We ______ home late yesterday.

▪ ___ you come to class tomorrow?

▪ I am ___ /____ to visit my teacher next year.

▪ I _________ dinner when you _____ me last night.

▪ I ___________ my best friend for 15 years.

▪ I ___________ my best friend since we ________ freshmen in university.

Verbal Tenses

▪ Taiwan __is__ an island.

▪ She __goes_____ to school everyday.

▪ He _is eating_ lunch now.

▪ We _went_ home late yesterday.

▪ _Will_ you come to class tomorrow?

▪ I am _visiting__ /_going_ to visit my teacher next year.

▪ I _was having_ dinner when you _called_ me last night.

▪ I _have known_ my best friend for 15 years.

▪ I _have kown_ my best friend since we _were_ freshmen in university.

Additional endings

▪ Both you and I love basketball.

→You love basketball, and so ____ I.

 You love basketball, and I ____, too.

▪ Both you and I are basketball fans.

 You are basket fan, and I ___,too.

 You are basket fan, and so ____ I.

▪ Neither you nor I have seen that film.

You haven’t seen that film, and I ______, either.

You haven’t seen that film, and _______ _______ I.

▪ Neither he or she can play the guitar.

He can’t play the guitar, and she _____, either.

 He can’t play the guitar, and _____ _______ she.

Additional endings

▪ Both you and I love basketball.

→You love basketball, and so _do_I.

 You love basketball, and I _do_, too.

▪ Both you and I are basketball fans.

 You are basket fan, and I _am_,too.

 You are basket fan, and so _am_ I.

▪ Neither you nor I have seen that film.

You haven’t seen that film, and I _haven’t_, either.

You haven’t seen that film, and _neither_ _have _ I.

▪ Neither he or she can play the guitar.

He can’t play the guitar, and she _can’t_, either.

 He can’t play the guitar, and _neither_ _can_ she.




▪ 1. Mary went to the market.

When ______________________________?

▪ 2. Where is the nearest post office?

Tell me ___________________________.

▪ 3. My umbrella is not the same as yours.(用different from)


▪ 4. My uncle traveled a lot when he was young.(用 used to)

My uncle ______________________________.


▪ 1.She usually goes to bed at 10:00.

What time_________________________________?

▪ 2. Why were you late?

Tell me___________________________________.

▪ 3. Ben: Did you mail the letter?

Sandy: Oh, I forgot.

Sandy forgot ________________________________________.

▪ 4. To play the piano well is not easy.

It ________________________________________.


▪ 1. Mary went to the market.

When did Mary go to the market?

▪ 2. Where is the nearest post office?

Tell me where the nearest post office is.

▪ 3. My umbrella is not the same as yours.(用different from)

My umbrella is different from yours.

▪ 4. My uncle traveled a lot when he was young.(用 used to)

My uncle used to travel a lot when he was young.


▪ 1. She usually goes to bed at 10:00.

What time does she usually go to bed?

▪ 2. Why were you late?

Tell me why you were late.

▪ 3. Ben: Did you mail the letter?

▪ Sandy: Oh, I forgot.

Sandy forgot to mail the letter.

▪ 4. To play the piano well is not easy.

It is not easy to play the piano well.




Teaching Resources and Activities

Sentences Combination

▪ Causative verbs

▪ Subordinating conjunctions:

▪ Noun Clauses

▪ Adjective Clauses

▪ Adverbial Clauses

▪ Coordinating conjunctions

▪ Comparatives & Superlatives

Causative verbs 使役動詞

▪ Make, let, have, help

▪ See, watch, look at, notice, hear, listen to, feel

▪ My mother had me ______ the dishes last night.

▪ My mother had the dishes ______ by me last night.

▪ My mother saw me ______ the dishes last night.



▪ 子句按功能分有名詞、形容詞和副詞三種

▪ 子句通常由關係代名詞如that, who, what, where, when, how…等引導

▪ 副詞子句可表示時間(when)地點(where)方式(how)原因(because) 讓步(though)…等


▪ 名詞子句位於主要子句的動詞之後,作為其受詞

▪ 請試著找出名詞子句:

▪ People believe that chicken soup is a good cold remedy.

▪ Many believe that an American, Joseph Gayetty, invented paper in 1857.

▪ Some scientists believe that our dreams are associated with our experiences and thoughts.

▪ Some think that a person born under the sign of Aries is Adventurous.

▪ Doctors think that Rapid Eye Movement sleep is very important for learning and thinking.



People believe that chicken soup is a good cold remedy.

Many believe that an American, Joseph Gayetty, invented paper in 1857.

Some scientists believe that our dreams are associated with our experiences and thoughts.

Some think that a person born under the sign of Aries is Adventurous.

Doctors think that Rapid Eye Movement sleep is very important for learning and thinking.

Noun Clauses

▪ Will the typhoon come next week?

We are not sure.

→ We are not sure whether ____________________________.

▪ What does Julia want?

Tell me one thing.

→Tell me _____________________.

Noun Clauses

▪ Will the typhoon come next week?

We are not sure.

→We are not sure whether

_the typhoon will come next week._

→What does Julia want?

Tell me one thing.

→Tell me what Julia wants.



n 請試著找出形容詞子句:

▪ We use many products that are made of paper.

▪ Where can we make friendships that will last a lifetime.

▪ There is a lot about dreaming that we don’t understand.

▪ Many companies today want employees who speak a second language.



We use many products that are made of paper.

Where can we make friendships that will last a lifetime.

There is a lot about dreaming that we don’t understand.

Many companies today want employees who speak a second language.

Adjective Clauses

▪ I have a friend.

She is a famous writer.

→I have a friend ___________________________.

▪ My father gave me a bicycle.

I lost the bicycle.

→I lost the bicycle ___________________________.

Adjective Clauses

▪ I have a friend.

She is a famous writer.

→I have a friend

who is a famous writer.

▪ My father gave me a bicycle.

▪ I lost the bicycle.

▪ →I lost the bicycle

which my father gave me.

Adverbial Clauses

▪ Susan doesn’t feel well.

Susan can’t come to class.

→Susan ______________________ because she___________________.

▪ John played the piano.

Then John had dinner.

→John____________________ after _____________________________.

Adverbial Clauses

▪ Susan doesn’t feel well.

Susan can’t come to class.

→Susan can’t come to class because she doesn’t feel well.

▪ John played the piano.

Then John had dinner.

→John had dinner after played the piano.

Coordinating conjunctions


▪ I like English.

My best friend likes English.

→Both _________________________.

▪ I don’t like online chatting.

My best friend doesn’t like online chatting.

→Neither _________________________.

Coordinating conjunctions


▪ I like English.

My best friend likes English.

→Both my best friend and I like English.

▪ I don’t like online chatting.

My best friend doesn’t like online chatting.

→Neither my best friend nor I like online chatting.


▪ English is an important subject.Math is an important subject, too.

▪ →Both English and Math are important subjects.



‧ My teacher is proud of my success.My parents are also proud of me.

→Not only my teacher but also my parents are proud of me.

▪ Sometimes I do the dishes.My sister sometimes does the dishes.

→Either I or my sister does the dishes.

▪ I don’t like to sing.My brother doesn’t enjoy singing, either.

→ Neither my brother nor I enjoy singing.

Comparative & Superlative

▪ John is ten years old.

Joe is ten years old.

→John ______________________Joe.

▪ John is ten years old.

Jack is twelve years old.

Jay is fourteen years old

→ John _____________________ Jack.

Jay __________________John and Jack.

▪ →Jay ________________ of the three.

Comparative & Superlative

▪ John is ten years old.

Joe is ten years old.

→John is as old as Joe.

▪ John is ten years old.

Jack is twelve years old.

Jay is fourteen years old

→ John is younger than Jack.

Jay is older than John and Jack.

▪ →Jay is the oldest of the three.


▪ Coordinating conjunctions對等連接詞

▪ Subordinating conjunctions附屬連接詞

▪ Comparatives/superlatives比較級與最高級

▪ Relative clauses關係子句


1. Tom asked Grace something.

Jane went home early.(用why)


2. Mr. Lin's student wrote a letter.

The letter was for Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin's student __________________.

3. Kate is very young.

Kate cannot go to school.(用


4. Terry can't see anything.

She has to wear glasses.(用without)



5. I have a brother.

My brother is studying Chinese in college.(用who)


6. My mother cleaned the house.

I helped my mother.

I ________________________________.

7. I go to work.

I take the bus.(用by)


8. He got home.

His brother told him the bad news.(用as soon as)



1. Tom asked Grace something.

Jane went home early.(用why)

Tom asked Grace why Jane went home early.

2. Mr. Lin's student wrote a letter.

The letter was for Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin's student wrote him a letter.

3. Kate is very young.

Kate cannot go to school.(用

Kate is too young to go to school.

4. Terry can't see anything.

She has to wear glasses.(用without)

Terry can’t see anything without glasses.


5. I have a brother.

My brother is studying Chinese in college.(用who)

I have a brother who is studying Chinese in college.

6. My mother cleaned the house.

I helped my mother.

I helped my mother to clean the house.

7. I go to work.

I take the bus.(用by)

I go to work by bus.

8. He got home.

His brother told him the bad news.(用as soon as)

As soon as he got home his brother told him the bad news.



Sentences Reconstruction

▪ Causative verbs授予動詞

▪ Questions疑問句

▪ Indirect questions間接問句

▪ Verb tenses時態轉換

▪ Subordinating conjunctions關係子句:

▪ Noun Clauses

▪ Adjective Clauses

▪ Adverbial Clauses

▪ Coordinating conjunctions對等相關連接詞

▪ Comparatives & Superlatives

S. + V. + IO. + DO.

▪ I give her(間接受詞;IO.) flowers (直接受詞; DO. ) .

▪ ☆通常人為間接受詞﹐物為直接受詞。物在前時需要接介系詞。

▪ I give flowers (直接受詞; DO. ) to her (間接受詞;IO.) .

▪ I buy a book (DO.) for him (IO.).

Causative verbs授予動詞

▪ My teacher__________________________________

me/gives/a couple of/to/grammar books

→My teacher gives a couple of grammar books to me.

▪ I __________________________________________

for/a digital camera/bought/her birthday/my daughter.

→I bought my daughter a digital camera for her birthday.

▪ __________________________________________ me/an e-mail/my friend/sent.

→ My friend sent me an e-mail


▪ Yes-No Questions:必須以Yes或No回答的問句


→Do you have a dictionary?

Yes, I do.

▪ Be動詞﹢主詞﹢補語?

→ Are you a college student?

No, I’m not.

▪ Wh- Questions:由疑問詞開頭的問句:不需以Yes或No 回答


▪ 1. (who): Who are you?

A: I am your teacher.

▪ 2. (where): Where are you?

A: I am at school.

▪ 3. (when): When did you see him?

A: I saw him last week.

▪ 4. (why): Why are you late?

A: I had a car accident this morning.

▪ 5. (what): What is your name?

A: My name is David Wang.

▪ 6. (how+adj.): How old are you?

A: I am twenty-one years old.


▪ 7. (how+adv.): How fast can you run?

A: I can run one hundred meters in ten seconds.

▪ 8. (how many): How many students are there in your class?

A: There are fifty.

▪ 9. (how much): How much is your cell phone?

A: It costs me ten thousand dollars.

▪ 10. (which + n.): Which singer do you like the most?

A: My favorite singer is Billy Joel.

▪ 11. (whose + n.): Whose bag is this?

A: It’s mine.


▪ Is ____________________________ ?


→Is English your favorite subject?

▪ What___________________________?


→What is your favorite subject?

▪ Did_____________________________?


→Did you study English last night?

Indirect Questions間接問句(I)

▪ Where is he from?

▪ →Do you know___________________?

▪ Who did it?

▪ →Tell me________________________.

▪ The students ask their teacher, “Can you speak louder?”

▪ → The students ask their teacher_________________________?

Indirect Questions間接問句(II)

Indirect Questions間接問句(II)

Noun Clauses

▪ We are not sure __________________. (next week/will come/the typhoon/whether)

→ We are not sure whether the typhoon will come next week.

▪ ________________________________?


→Tell me what Julia wants?

Adjective Clauses

▪ ___________________________.

(a famous/I/a friend/writer/is/have)

→I have a friend is a famous writer.

▪ I___________________________.

▪ (my father/me/gave/ the bicycle/ lost)

▪ →I lost the bicycle which my father gave me.


1.Jimmy ______________________________________.

Martha / a book / her birthday / sent / for

2.Kevin _______________________________________.

sick / for / a / been / week / has

3.Jenny asked Jack


at the airport / he / pick her up / could / if

4.Mark ________________________________________.

couldn’t eat / that / nervous / he / so / was


5. How _________________________________________? students / in your class / there / many / are

6. Jane ________________________________________.

do / didn’t / to / know / what

7. Neither __________________________________________.

can swim / I / brother / my / nor

8. I _______________________________________ now.

talk to / am afraid / you / I can’t / that


1. Jimmy sent Martha a book for her birthday.

Martha / a book / her birthday / sent / for

2. Kevin has been sick for a week.

sick / for / a / been / week / has

3. Jenny asked Jack if he could pick her up

at the airport.

at the airport / he / pick her up / could / if

4. Mark was so nervous that he couldn’t eat.

couldn’t eat / that / nervous / he / so / was


5. How many students are there in your class?

students / in your class / there / many / are

6. Jane didn’t know what to do.

do / didn’t / to / know / what

7. Neither I nor my brother can swim.

can swim / I / brother / my / nor

8. I am afraid that I can’t talk to you now.

talk to / am afraid / you / I can’t / that




Teaching Resources and Activities

Prewriting : warm-up


▪ Yesterday, birthday

▪ Invite friends

▪ Sing songs

▪ talk

▪ Gifts, a bear, a hat, a bag

2.Topic sentence:

▪ When : yesterday

▪ Who : Mei-chi and her friends

▪ Where : Mei-chi’s home (living room)

▪ What : birthday cake, gifts ( a bear, a hat, a bag)

▪ Why : Mei-chi’s birthday

▪ How :talk, listen to the music, eat the cake, sing birthday song, open gifts

Yesterday was Mei-chi’s birthday.She invited her best friends to her hous.They were talking in the living room, and listening to the music together.After on hour, they started to sing the “happy birthday” song and ate cake.Finally, Mei-chi opend the presents which her friends gave, and she really liked the presents very much.

Yesterday was Mei-chi’s birthday.She invited her best friends to her house.They were talking in the living room, and listening to the music together.After on hour, they started to sing the “happy birthday” song and ate cake.Finally, Mei-chi opend the presents which her friends gave, and she really liked the presents very much.

5. Time phrases and transition words

Yesterday was Mei-chi’s birthday.She invited her best friends to her house.They were talking in the living room, and listening to the music together.After on hour, they started to sing the “happy birthday” song and ate cake.Finally, Mei-chi opend the presents which her friends gave, and she really liked the presents very much.

6. Writing the concluding sentence

Yesterday was Mei-chi’s birthday.She invited her best friends to her house.They were talking in the living room, and listening to the music together.After one hour, they started to sing the “happy birthday” song and ate cake.Finally, Mei-chi opend the presents which her friends gave, and she really liked the presents very much. She had a great day yesterday.

7. Final editing

Yesterday was Mei-chi’s birthday.She invited her best friends to her house.They were talking and listening to the music in the living room., together.After one hour, → One hour later, they started to sing the “happy birthday” song and ate the cake.Finally, Mei-chi opened the presents which her friends gave her., and sheShe really liked the presents very much. She had a great day yesterday.

